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Frequently Asked Questions

Smooth Legs from Waxing
Will my hair stop growing back all together?

No, but it will become more sparse and have a finer texture if you wax on a regular basis.


Can I shave between my waxing visits?

Don’t you dare shave down there!! The hair will be shorter when you come in for your next visit and the wax won’t grab as well. Also, shaving creates ingrown hairs, redness and irritation. If you have an urge to pick up the pink bic, make your appointments every three weeks instead of four or five.


Can I go tanning before or after my waxing session? 

Plan on waiting at least 24 hours after your treatment to tan. And do not come in right after a fresh spray tan because the wax will take it right off.

What is double dipping? 

Double dipping is when the technician dips the waxing stick back into the wax vat after using it on you or someone else – possibly allowing the spread of bacteria. I dip each stick into the wax only once and then throw it in the trash, so the wax being applied is always sterile. My clients can enjoy their clean, smooth skin without the worries of going to a hairy, scary spa. Make sure when you are getting your wax, there is no re-dippity-do-da!

Can I do my own Brazilian Wax at home? 

If you’re more flexible than Gumby and can twist yourself into pretzel-like positions to reach those nooks and crannies, go for it. You might also consider joining Cirque de Soleil.  It really is difficult to do safely, so I at least recommend seeing a professional for the first few times to see how it is done. I have heard some truly hair-raising stories involving DIY Brazilian Waxing.

Can I still get waxed while I am pregnant? 

Of course!! I do a lot of Momma-Mia Brazilian Waxes.  This is becoming a regular item on many soon-to-be mommies’ to-do lists.  However, make sure you have a waxing technician who is familiar with performing this service and also uses hard wax that does not require a strip. The blood vessels are more dilated during this time and your skin is more sensitive so extra precautions need to be taken.  If you are a waxing virgin or have not waxed in a while, let your esthetician know so your hair can be evaluated to see how coarse it is. I would also get a Basic Bikini Wax first to see how your skin reacts and then go for the full Brazilian. You might be a little more sensitive than usual, but there is no harm in wanting to be as smooth as your soon-to-be-born baby’s bottom.

Can I have a glass of wine or a cocktail before my wax?

I am actually going to leave this one up to you.  There are arguments for both sides on this one. Alcohol is a stimulant and can make your skin more sensitive to waxing causing more inflammation. Others say they don’t notice this difference and if you are embarrassed about baring your parts where the sun don’t shine, a glass of wine will surely help you relax.

Can I have sex the same day I get waxed? 

While you might want to share your new look with a loved one right away, I always suggest waiting at least 24 hours – especially if you are prone to ingrown hairs or are fairly new to waxing. Friction and perspiration might aggravate the skin. During the first 24 hours, your body is most susceptible to outside bacteria that might cause an infection of the hair follicle known as folicullitis. 

Alcohol Before Waxing
Can I get waxed while I am on my period? 

Sure, just know you are more sensitive three days before your period and three days after your period.  Women in this line of business usually are not squeamish, myself included. So just simply wear a fresh tampon and pop a couple of Advil to help fight the extra sting during this time.

I have a special occasion coming up and have never been waxed. Any special instructions?

Whether you want a premarital wax or just a vacation-ready bikini line, I recommend you plan to have at least two waxes before the event. This will ensure you do not have any reactions to the wax before the big day. It also gets the first wax – which is the most uncomfortable – out of the way. The second wax will also provide a much smoother, cleaner result with less post-wax tenderness. If you don’t have time to squeeze in two waxing sessions then go at least three to four days prior to your special occasion.

Does my medication affect my waxing?

It certainly can!!  Certain medications and products thin out the skin making it more likely for you to peel or burn during your waxing session. If you are unsure if your medication will affect your skin, please call me or the salon before you come in.

Am I too old to get a Brazilian wax?

 I really do get asked this question all the time and the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT! I have waxed ladies in their early seventies. You are never too old, so wax on!

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